
Crack in brick veneer of building
08 Apr, 2024
When an earthquake strikes, it's important to prioritize your safety and be proactive. Don't take any chances - make sure your property is thoroughly inspected by a professional. Our experts are here to assist in assessing and addressing any issues. Contact one of our professionals today at 800.772.7991 or to schedule an inspection. Let's work together to keep your property safe!
Becht Principal Eric Collins and CBC group volunteering at Trenton Soup Kitchen
03 Apr, 2024
Becht Principal, Eric Collins, PE, recently dedicated his time volunteering at the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK) with his colleagues from the Carnegie Business Collaborative (CBC). Their efforts truly made a difference in feeding those in need in Trenton and the Mercer County region. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Eric and the CBC for their compassion and hard work. They have shown that small acts of kindness can make a big difference in the lives of others. Keep up the amazing work!
Equipment repaving a community road
20 Mar, 2024
Winter weather can really do a number on your community roads, leaving behind potholes galore. Becht Engineering BT, Inc. is standing by with the expertise and experience to tackle any pavement repair your community may need. Our professionals will determine the proper method of repair to problems that are negatively affecting the condition of your pavement and find cost effective solutions to the drainage conditions that affect your property. Contact one of our professionals today at 800.772.7991 or for assistance with your paving and drainage projects. Let's work together to keep your roads smooth and safe!
Becht Engineering BT Inc 60 Year Logo
11 Mar, 2024
It's a special milestone for us at Becht Engineering BT, Inc. as we celebrate our 60th anniversary! We couldn't be prouder of the growth and achievements we've experienced, all thanks to our dedicated staff and supportive clients. Cheers to 60 years and counting!
Multi-family Building
17 Jan, 2024
Taking proactive measures to ensure the safety of residents, the State of New Jersey recently passed Bill S2760/A4384, which is limited to condominiums and cooperatives. This important legislation is aimed at preventing devastating incidents like the one in Florida. The bill requires that certain Common interest Community (CIC) buildings and plans be inspected and reviewed by a NJ licensed structural inspector, during the buildings' pre-construction, construction, and post-construction phases. It also assures that Associations maintain adequate reserve funds to make required maintenance repairs to the building components and common areas. Click here for the complete bill: . Below is a summary of the bill:
Two workers on roof
03 Oct, 2023
Two Becht team members recently dedicated their time and expertise to support deserving families in Preston County, West Virginia. Chris Fernandes, RS, EBP, Senior Project Manager, and Brian Reilly, Project Manager, embarked on a journey to Appalachia in order to take part in the Preston County Summer Home Repair Program. Their diligent efforts included replacing a roof, constructing three decks, building two sets of stairs, remodeling a kitchen, and executing various other repairs on the homes. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Chris and Brian for their generous contribution to these families!
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